Water is everything and every thing needs water.
Yet, 663 million people lack access to any source of clean water.

The complexity of global problems can make the consequences of those problems and potential solutions seem distant and impersonal. We’re not okay with that. We invite you to pursue a deeper understanding of the ways water shapes your life and the lives of others. We want you to become passionate about water - not because it matters for somebody, somewhere – but because it matters for you.

Take it personally and challenge yourself by asking friends and family to make a gift to make dirty water clean in honor of your next event.


Rural Rwandans live in a constant struggle with the water around them. Not only must they spend time each day walking to collect water from nearby lakes, ponds, and streams, but the water they collect is often dirty - making them and their families sick. Providing long-lasting and innovative solutions to make dirty water clean improves the health of the people 20 Liters serves, but it also does much more.

The link between water quality and poverty is strong and when people get access to clean water for the first time, their lives can be transformed. They will work and go to school more often, save money on medicine, and often save time traveling to gather water. Access to clean water is a first step to empowering families to pursue a better future.

Thank you for supporting me in the fight to make dirty water clean! Your gift has the ability to make a decade of clean water available for people in Rwanda.

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